likuanli 发表于 2007-2-12 22:10   只看TA 1楼
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Nightwish ,大陆译为夜愿,女歌手 Tarja 领军的美声金属乐团,近年来大红大紫,号称芬兰的瑰宝。98年的专辑Oceanborn名满天下,是新古典主义和金属气质幸福联姻的典范。
Nightwish最初是由键盘手Tuomas Holopainen、吉他手Emppu Vuorinen及女主唱Tarja Turunen三人於1996年所组成,在录制了一些demo之後,97年中与Spinefarm Records签下唱片合约,首张专辑於97年末时发行。
以正统声乐女高音为主唱,结合Power/Melodic Metal乐风的崭新组合,使得Nightwish谱出道时就颇受到注目。
Nightwish的歌的确不同凡响,特别是他们的美声女主唱Tarja Turunen。如果说歌曲中,吉他、贝斯、鼓的速度是暴风雨加冰雹,那么Tarja的歌声却犹如神圣的光芒穿透浓密的云层,使它雨停云散。
Tarja Turunen 从小接受严格的声乐训练,勉强算美女歌手。颧骨很高,给人野心勃勃的感觉。Nightwish 的曲风凌厉,气势逼人,古典段落流光溢彩,金属节奏泼辣奔放,令人有热血沸腾之感。

最近听的有over the hills and far away
They came for him one winter's night. 一个冬夜
Arrested, he was bound. 他被捕了
They said there'd been a robbery, 在一件抢劫案现场
his pistol had been found. 发现了他的枪

They marched him to the station house, 他被押到警察局
he waited for the dawn. 等待着黎明
And as they led him to the dock, 当他被押往港口的时候
he knew that he'd been wronged. 他才知道他被冤枉了
"You stand accused of robbery," “你被指控犯有抢劫罪”
he heard the bailiff say. 警察如是说
He knew without an alibi, 做不出辩解
tomorrow's light would mourn his freedom.

Over the hills and far away, 远山远处
for ten long years he'll count the days. 十年的牢狱在等待
Over the mountains and the seas, 山海他乡
a prisoner's life for him there'll be. 囚徒的命运在等待

He knew that it would cost him dear, 他知道这罪是如此之苛重
but yet he dare not say. 但他不敢辩解
Where he had been that fateful night, 那天晚上他到底身在何处
a secret it must stay. 那是一个不可告人的秘密
He had to fight back tears of rage. 他不得不忍住愤怒的泪水
His heart beat like a drum. 心如鼓擂
For with the wife of his best friend, 因为最后一个自由的夜晚
he spent his final night of freedom. 他是和他最好朋友的妻子一起度过的

Over the hills and far away,

Each night within his prison cell, 每夜牢中
he looks out through the bars. 独对铁栅
He reads the letters that she wrote. 情人来函
One day he'll know the taste of freedom. 相会有期

Over the hills and far away, 远山远处
she prays he will return one day. 盼君早归
As sure as the rivers reach the seas, 河流入海
back in his arms again she'll be. 情人入怀

Over the hills and far away, 远山远处
he swears he will return one day. 郎心坚切
Far from the mountains and the seas, 山海他乡
back in her arms again he'll be. 相会有期

Over the hills and far away

she is my sin
可能这首歌很多人都听过 也放出希望大家喜欢
She Is My Sin 她是我的罪

Take heed, dear heart, once apart 小心留意 亲爱的心 一旦分离
She can touch nor me nor you 她便无法触摸你或我
Dressed as one 剥去身上的皮毛
A wolf will betray a lamb 灰狼将背叛那羊羔

Lead astray the gazers 引导迷途的人们
The razors on your seducing skin 剃刀就在你诱惑的肌肤上
In the meadow of sinful thoughts 抱持罪念的草地
Every flower's perfect world 每朵鲜花都是个完美的世界

To paradise with pleasure haunted... 那快感缠绕的天堂
haunted by fear 被恐惧缠绕……

A sin for him 为他犯下的罪
Desire within, desire within 充斥欲望 饱含邪念
A burning veil for the bride too dear for him 深爱他的新娘燃烧着她的面纱
A sin for him 为他犯下的罪
Desire within, desire within 充斥欲望 饱含邪念
Fall in love with your deep dark sin 带着你那深重的罪过坠入爱河

I am the Fallen 我在坠落
You are what my sins enclose 你是引诱我犯罪的圈套
Lust is not as creative
As its discovery 淫欲中找不到发明创造

To paradise with pleasure haunted... 那快感缠绕的天堂
haunted by fear 被恐惧缠绕……

A sin for him 为他犯下的罪
Desire within, desire within 充斥欲望 饱含邪念
A burning veil for the bride too dear for him 深爱他的新娘燃烧着她的面纱
A sin for him 为他犯下的罪
Desire within, desire within 充斥欲望 饱含邪念
Fall in love with your deep dark sin 带着你那深重的罪过坠入爱河

Bless me, undress me 祝福我 脱光我
Pick your prey in a wicked way 用那邪恶的方式选择你的祭品
God I must confess 天啊我必须忏悔
I do envy the sinners 我确实嫉妒那些有罪的人

A sin for him... 为他犯下的罪
Desire within... 饱含欲望
A burning veil...
For the bride too dear for him... 深爱他的新娘燃烧着她的面纱

A sin for him 为他犯下的罪
Desire within, desire within 充斥欲望 饱含邪念
A burning veil for the bride too dear for him 深爱他的新娘燃烧着她的面纱
A sin for him 为他犯下的罪
Desire within, desire within 充斥欲望 饱含邪念
Fall in love with your deep dark sin 带着你那深重的罪过坠入爱河……

小弟第一次发贴 排版技术有问题 请各位老大多指教 如果觉得不错给我点支持 以后继续

版主评語: lyhave

[ 本帖最后由 lyhave 于 2007-2-12 10:51 PM 编辑 ]
  • 黑桃A 金币 +5 你尽心了!加油就好!多多学习! 2007-2-12 22:53
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