中文名称:et Sounds
专辑歌手:The Beach Boys
Editorial Reviews
If you need some pointy-headed pundit to sell you on the merits of Pet Sounds, your money might be better spent on an ear specialist. Brian Wilson's gift to 20th-century music elevated this pop album into a beguiling musical and emotional cogency that still operates outside pop culture's fickle space-time continuum--and limited critical lexicon. There's never been another record to compare (Rubber Soul, its inspiration, is close; Sgt. Pepper's, its response, misses the point), and certainly no album has been as dissected, overanalyzed, and predigested for public consumption. In 1997 Capitol Records devoted an entire four-disc box set, The Pet Sounds Sessions, to its thorough deconstruction. The techno-marvel centerpiece of that project--the album's first true stereo mix, painstakingly conjured out of multitape session sources by producer-engineer Mark Linett (under Wilson's supervision)--was at once heresy and revelation. Now the label has gratifyingly seen fit to offer both mixes on a single disc (along with alternate versions of "Hang On to Your Ego," the original title of "I Know There's An Answer"), an idea that should please the orthodox and heretics alike. And while the album has always clearly been The Brian Wilson Show featuring the Beach Boys, biographer Brad Elliott's concise new notes attempt to be more inclusive of a wider band perspective. The result (three of the five band members claim credit for the album title) sometimes resembles Rashomon. If Pet Sounds forever crystallized the band's various creative (in)differences, it also became Wilson's grand karmic joke on his band mates; its burgeoning reputation (Mojo magazine's panel of pop experts once elected it greatest album of all time) guaranteed they would sing its songs--and praises--until the end. And if putting two different versions of the same album on one disc seems like overkill, look at the bright side: it's a perfect excuse to listen to the glorious Pet Sounds twice.- Jerry McCulley
虽然Brian Wilson每下愈况的用药恶习,与企图击败Beatles的偏执欲念,让他在听到Beatles的专辑「Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band」之后,精神完全崩溃,后期只能间断地参与运作,但整个乐团仍勇敢而坚定地朝70及80年代迈进。虽然他们1966年之后的作品往往被贬抑(如果以整体表现来认定的话),但事实上Beach Boys进入70年代后,仍然作出了许多伟大的音乐。最佳的证明是1970年的专辑「Sunflower」,每位成员都个别展示了过去未充分发挥的天份。
01 - Wouldn't It Be Nice
02 - You Still Believe In Me
03 - That's Not Me
04 - Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder)
05 - I'm Waiting For The Day
06 - Let's Go Away For A While
07 - Sloop John B
08 - God Only Knows
09 - I Know There's An Answer
10 - Here Today
11 - I Just Wasn't Made For These Times
12 - Pet Sounds
13 - Caroline No
14 - Unreleased Backgrounds
15 - Hang On To Your Ego
16 - Trombone Dixie